(FINAL PRODUCTION): The culture of using sand as sanitary pads among some women.

A Sanitary Pad (Picture Source: A1 Radio, Bolgatanga) 

At the age of 33, Yaa Animah is a trader just like many other women in her community. This may sound strange but Yaa is still using sand during menstruation. The high cost of sanitary pads is a major reason for women like Yaa Animah to resort to old ways of using sand, leaves and rags when menstruating. 

In an interview with Yaa, she explained that one can use either beach sand or any clean sand you can find around. 

Sand Used  During Menstruation

“Before I reach my period, I fetch sand and then wash out every dirt in it with water because there could be some little dirt particles in it. You need to leave it for a while so the clean sand can settle beneath so you can pour the dirt out of it. After I dry it in the sun so the sun can kill every germ in it, then I preserve it nicely in a container till it’s time for my period. When it’s time for my period, I fetch some of the clean sand into a special stool made for that, there’s a hole created in the middle where you can pour the sand and sit on. I sit on it till evening.” She explained.  

Yaa Aminah explaining how she uses sand as sanitary pad. 

She further added that;

"In my tradition when a woman menstruates, we do not participate in any social activities, work or cook, we are being served till we are done menstruating."

Yaa Aminah Washing The Sand 

She was taught this growing up which is part of the reasons she is still practicing it. “Using the sand is safer, less expensive and brings out a lot of dirt from my uterus as a woman. The sand also helps soak the blood properly which would not let the blood stain your dress like the sanitary pads you see the young ladies use lately.”

Sylvette Gbeckor – Kove also shared the experience she had after the one time she used sand during menstruation. She got to know about this from her grandmother and her auntie, because they used to talk a lot about how a woman must take care of themselves. Out of curiosity she tried using the sand which made her have a heavy flow. 

“I don’t know if it’s the magic of the sand used for menstruation, but it gives you a heavy flow which made me got scared so I stopped using it.”

Dr. David Parker Alottey,  (Gynaecologist & Obstetrician)

Gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr David Parker Alottey said that women often acquire genital infections if they did not resort to hygiene practices and using sand during menstrual period increases the risk of acquiring infections which can also lead to having problems in child birth. 

“That is something that will really pose a lot of health implications to the woman in question, because obviously soil or sand is not very hygienic, full of germs as well that is going to affect the female genital tract.”

“In this case where the woman is using sand which may have different kinds of bacteria in it, and it gets into the vagina, tracks up into the upper genital tracts which is the uterus and ovarian tubes, it may seed into the blood stream, so whichever bacteria that it is at all in the sand or the socks that they are using can find it way into the blood stream and that is called septicaemia. It’s a very severe infection which can lead to death if not treated early."

He also advised women to use the right sanitary process by using clean and sanitized pads during menstruation to prevent any bacteria from entering their vagina to help maintain the natural vagina flora.

By: Hannah Bentum


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